Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Check our article on challenges and opportunities of scaling up quantum computation in SIAM News. May 2024

Our article is in SIAM News, May 2024

Rapid advancements in various quantum computing architectures have ignited a sense of cautious optimism about the realization of quantum advantage, especially as the field transitions from predominantly theoretical explorations to more applied functionalities. In addition to addressing challenges that pertain to single quantum bit (qubit) noise, fidelity, and decoherence, vendors are now emphasizing the scalability of their quantum systems as a critical component of their success. Current architectures—including trapped ions, superconducting circuits, and Rydberg atoms—face scalability hurdles in terms of the number of qubits and their fidelity. These hurdles have inspired both academic and industry researchers to develop scaling strategies that are reminiscent of the early (but still relevant) stages of classical supercomputing. Here, we discuss some of quantum computing’s opportunities and challenges in the realms of circuit optimization and scalability.
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Quantum Computing     Quantum computers are expected to accelerate scientific discovery spanning many different areas such as medicine, AI, ...